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  • Vitomax with Biotin, vitamins for improving the shine of dog hair

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    120 tablets, 500 tablets, 1000 tablets
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    To achieve a beautiful appearance, a pet should receive all the necessary nutrients, such as protein, biotin and vitamins, and also have strong immunity. Thanks to the vitamin-mineral complex of TM Vitomax “For dogs with biotin, in dogs, there is an improvement in the condition of skin and wool, and the disappearance of various skin diseases.

    High-energy protein supplement for every day Vitomax “with biotin for shiny dog ​​hair” contains a full range of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, including biotin, vitamin C and B vitamins.

    Gorgeous skin and thick, shiny coat in dogs is an indicator of good health. The presence of biotin, vitamins of group B, as well as an extract of the bedstrap and burdock root, prevent pathological changes in dogs, such as itching, permanent shedding, dandruff, hair breakage, and no shine. In everyday food these components are not enough. It is this that necessitates the introduction of the Vitomax vitamin complex “with biotin for shiny dog ​​hair” into the dog’s diet.

    A scientific and practical approach to product development gives an excellent result and fully meets the physiological needs of the animal. Thanks to natural ingredients of the highest quality, dogs eat it with pleasure.

    The product is completely degreased, therefore it does not go cold or oxidize.

    Vitamins Vitomax “with biotin for shiny dog ​​hair” are used to:
    – improve skin and coat;
    – strengthen the immune system;
    – normalization of metabolism;
    – prevention of such phenomena as: itching, permanent molt, dandruff, loss and brittleness of the coat, deterioration of pigmentation.

    It is especially useful to use this product for long-haired breeds and in preparing animals for exhibitions.

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